About Us

Who is Atomik?

You are Atomik. The person that strives to be the athlete, has the enthusiasm and motivation but life can somewhat get in the way of your training days and regime. You may be the parent putting your family before your own health and wellbeing. You may be the worker where the job demands you or you work long hours, putting your training on the backburner. You may be the student where your education is priority over physical and mental wellbeing. 

Atomik is with you on this all the way. Atomik Training can help you reach your goals. Atomik Training is a supplier of high quality fitness wear and supplements for Weightlifters to Runners & Boxers to Walkers.

Atomik Training has many supporters and a network of personal trainers, bodybuilders and coaches from various sport sectors. They will share with us their advice, hints & tips to help us push and reach our goals. Be sure to know Atomik is here to support you on your fitness journey.

It's time to do you and be your ultimate you. Be your best. Be Atomik. Make it happen. Atomik Training.